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Star Wars Battlefront Open Beta October 8th

Robag's picture

Electronic Arts announces beta testing of Star Wars Battlefront will take place between October 8th and October 12th, paving the way for the release of the Star Wars action game on November 17th. Earlier this month that the beta will begin next month, and just last week they announced this will be open to all applicants. Here’s word:

Get ready to be taken to a galaxy far, far away! Today, we are happy to reveal that the Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Beta will be available for PlayStation®4, Xbox One and on PC via Origin for players between October 8 and October 12. The Star Wars Battlefront Beta is a technical test and will give Rebels and Imperials alike just a small taste of the Star Wars™ battle fantasies you can expect to live out when the game launches on November 17.

In addition, you will also get a chance to try out the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience. Available during the Beta only at, the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience features the strategic card game Base Command, and lets you earn in-game Credits that unlock Star Cards, weapons, and more in Star Wars Battlefront.

thx Bluesnews



Sha8doW's picture


I really don’t want to install origin!

Robag's picture

i know

i rebuilt my PC just to get rid of that dam origin client



Robag's picture

Star Wars Battlefront Open Beta Begins

Origin now offers the open beta of Star Wars Battlefront, allowing anyone with an Origin account to check out the upcoming force-powered action game. Here’s word on what to expect from a previous announcement:

Get ready to be taken to a galaxy far, far away! Today, we are happy to reveal that the Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Beta will be available for PlayStation®4, Xbox One and on PC via Origin for players between October 8 and October 12. The Star Wars Battlefront Beta is a technical test and will give Rebels and Imperials alike just a small taste of the Star Wars™ battle fantasies you can expect to live out when the game launches on November 17.

In addition, you will also get a chance to try out the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience. Available during the Beta only at, the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience features the strategic card game Base Command, and lets you earn in-game Credits that unlock Star Cards, weapons, and more in Star Wars Battlefront.

Sha8doW's picture


So tempting…. I hate you EA/Origin!

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